As I am polyamorous, this page is dedicated to my partners, Bay Ryan and Crow.
Permissions: Any publicly available images are exhibited for purposes of education, transformation and critique, thus fall under Fair Use; private nude material and collabs with models are specifically shared with permission from the original model(s). For more details about artist permissions, refer to the book disclaimer attached to my book sample series.
Concerning Buggy Images: Sometimes the images on my site don’t always load and you get a little white-and-green placeholder symbol, instead. Sometimes I use a plugin for loading multiple images in one spot, called Envira Gallery, and not all of the images will load (resulting in blank white squares you can still right-click on). I‘ve optimized most of the images on my site, so I think it’s a server issue? Not sure. You should still be able to access the unloaded image by clicking on the placeholder/right-clicking on the white square (sometimes you have to delete the “?ssl=1” bit at the end of the url).
My partner, Bay Ryan, is a transmasc non-binary person who lives in New Zealand; apart from doing sex work, they also helped co-write and edit my book.
My partner, Crow, is non-binary poly/pan person who does sex work and artwork to express himself and establish confidence.